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PDF SUMMARY’ after the Talk title indicates that a Talk summary is available from the hyperlink.

Summaries for some earlier Talks from the previous year can be accessed from the ‘Previous Talks’ page.


08 January 2024             Rev Bishop J Wyn Evans  (Our Patron) - ‘St David’s Cathedral in  the 17th Century’

12 February 2024           Tomos Jones  (Community Archaeologist, PCNPA)  - ‘The Archaeology of the Pembrokeshire Coast’

This talk will be preceded by the AGM of the Society at 6.30pm

1 March - 4 March 2024 St Davids Day Exhibition in the Memorial Hall, St Davids

11 March  2024              Edward Perkins (Noted Local Historian) - ‘Roch Castle’

08 April 2024                  Simon Hancock -  ‘Women in Pembrokeshire during WW1’

13 May 2024                   James January-McCann - ‘Casglu Enwau Cymru/Collecting Welsh Place Name’

10 June 2024.                 Ven. Paul Mackness ( Archdeacon of St Davids)  - ‘The Romans in Pembrokeshire’ (provisional title).   

July & August - No Talk

09 September 2024        Mike Marshman - ‘The evolution of Picton Castle’

07 October 2024              Mari James - ‘St Davids Cathedral - What the Suffragettes would have seen’

Please note that this Talk will take place in St Davids Cathedral at 7.00 pm, and is on the first Monday in the month.

Refreshments will not be available.

11 November 2024          Fran Murphy - ‘Results from scrutiny of artefacts from Ocky White dig’ (provisional title)

We intend to organise a Christmas event - TBA

Click for Previous Talks

The Talks usually take place on the second Monday evening in the month, starting at 7.30pm in the City Hall, St Davids, and are open to all on payment of a £3.00 fee on the door, or one can become a Member for only £10.00

Home News About Us Exhibition  Talks & Events Membership & Contacts

Programme of Talks for 2023-2024

Twr y Felin c. 1910

Goat Street and the edge of Cross square c. 1880